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General Safety Documents

Lab Safety Training

Lab Inspection Sheet (pdf)

Lab Specific Training Sheet (pdf)

Contact sheet for Lab Doors (xls)

Waste Inspection Sheet (pdf)

CHP Location Placard (pdf)

List of Druckenmiller Labs (xls)


Spill Control and Response

For many spills, the correct response is evacuation and calling X3500. If the spill is not immediately hazardous (corrosives, for example) this spill video offers some good advice on how to respond.  Druckenmiller Hall's spill response cart is in Corridor 55 near the MSDS archives

View The Flynn Spill Clean-up Video

Option 1 -The online Lab Safety Training is set up as an "Organization" within Blackboard.  The following steps will get you to the Blackboard Lab Safety training site.

1. Log into Blackboard using your Bowdoin ID and password and click on the Organizations tab.

2. In the Organization Search box, type Lab Safety and click Go.

3. Enroll in this organization

4. When finished with the quiz, visit the office of Laboratory Safety, 41A Druckenmiller Hall, to get a Training Certification Card (or “Blue Card”).

5. Your Training Certification Card should be displayed on the door of your laboratory space.  Cards may be photocopied if you need to post on more than one door.  Your  Training Certification Card  will indicate the type of training you completed and expiration date of your training.


Option 2 - This option involves attending a live training session and is renewed by viewing semi-weekly Safety Breaks.  For details visit the Training page.

Laboratory Accident / Incident Response and Followup

Click above to access a full set of PDF documents of the Bowdoin College Chemical Hygiene Plan

Click HERE to access an on-line Glossary of Terms used in SDS sheets

 Click HERE to learn more about SDS Layout, Sections, etc.

Laboratory Inspection Program

Lab Supervisors, PI's and Lab Instructors are  required to perform annual self-inspections of their lab spaces .  These inspections are to be done at the beginning of the Fall semester and the completed Inspection Checklists are to be submitted to the Office of Laboratory Safety by September 30.  Click HERE for a PDF of the Laboratory Inspection Checklist

In addition to Self-Inspections, the Bowdoin College Office of Environmental Health and Safety will conduct routine safety audits of science laboratories and spaces.